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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The journal publishes papers on fundamental and applied aspects. The materials should reflect the results of scientific research and practical achievements in the field of microbiology, virology, biotechnology and ecology.

Article processing charge is 30 000 tenge.

Bank details:

Full name: Limited Liability Partnership "Research and Production Center of Microbiology and Virology"

Short name: "RPC Microbiology and Virology" LLP

Address: 105 Bogenbay Batyr str., Almaty, 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan

BIN 180 440 031 485

IIC: KZ268562203109719214

Bank: Bank CenterCredit JSC


KBE: 17

Materials submitted for publication must meet the following requirements:

Contain the results of original scientific research on topical problems in the field of microbiology, virology, biotechnology and ecology, previously unpublished and not intended for publication in other publications.

All articles are accepted and published simultaneously in two languages (Kazakh and English, or Russian and English).

Articles are accepted electronically through the author's profile on the website

If formal requirements are not met, the article will not be accepted for publication. It is recommended to use a template for the manuscript.

  1. The following files are uploaded in the author's personal profile:
  • Materials of the article (the file with the article is given a name by the surname of the first author).
  • Information about the authors (surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, title, position, place of work, contact numbers, e-mail addresses, ORCID number).
  • Scanned cover letter.

2.The article should contain:

  • ISTII is an interstate scientific and technical information index
  • The names of the authors (in capital letters, the initials follow the surname);
  • Name of the organization and the city (in lowercase letters);
  • Title of the article (in bold capital letters);
  • Abstract (at the beginning of the article before the main text);
  • Keywords (not more than 7);
  • Introduction (without title), which summarizes the relevance and novelty of the issue under consideration;
  • Main text (includes materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion containing a summary of the main results of the work);
  • Reference list (should include the name and initials of the author, the full title of the book (article), the place of publication, the name of the journal (year, volume, number, pages). At least 50% of the cited sources must have been published in the last 10 years.
  1. The size of one article should not exceed 15 typewritten pages (review articles - up to 30 pages), including annotation, tables, figures, references. A summary in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English) should be submitted in the same file.
  2.  The article should be submitted in Word 2003,Times New Roman, 12-point size, single spaced, top and bottom margins - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm. The number of pictures should not be more than five. For abstract, tables, figures, references use 11 pt and single space. Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets as they are mentioned and must be identical in two languages. The symbols in the text must correspond to the tables and figures, etc. When describing the experimental material, an international system of units (SI) should be used.
  3. After the text of article in English, the list of references in the Roman alphabet (References) for SCOPUS and other DATABASES is placed as separate block, repeating the list of references of the Russian part, regardless of whether it includes foreign sources. If there are references to foreign publications in the list, they are completely repeated in the Roman alphabet (Latin alphabet) list.

In References do not use divide marks ("//" and "-"). The source name and output data are separated from the authors by the font type, most often italic, dot or comma.

On the site you can use the program of transliteration of the Russian text into the Latin alphabet using various systems for free.

The program is very simple, it is easy to use for ready-made links. For example, choosing a variant of the Library of Congress (LC) system, we get an image of all the letter correspondences. Insert in the special field the whole text of the bibliography in Russian and press the button "to translit".


  1.  Manuscripts that do not correspond to the Rules are not published and not returned to the author. The editors reserve the right to make reductions and corrections of articles.


Organization, city


Abstract in Kazakh/Russian/English languages (a summary of the work).


At the introduction of the article, the rationale, relevance and novelty of the issue under consideration are given with links to sources.

Materials and methods

The research techniques are described with references to the authors of these methods.

Results and discussion

The results obtained and their discussion are presented with the use of tables, curves, drawings, diagrams, figures, etc. 


References are given in Kazakh and Russian languages, indicating the surname and initials of the author, the full title of the book (article), place of publication, the name of the journal (year, volume, issue, issue, page).

In English, the literary sources used in the article in Latin transliteration are given to indicate domestic authors. Foreign publications are submitted in the original language.

Design Examples References:


Волошин Е.И. Содержание и распределение водорастворимого фтора в почвах Средней Сибири. Агрохимия, 2003, 2: 65-73.

Zeder M.A. Domestication and early agriculture in the Mediterranean Basin: origins, diffusion, and impact. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008, 105(33): 11597-11604 (doi: 10.1073/pnas.0801317105).


Танделов  Ю.П. Фтор в системе почва—растение. М., 2004.                                                                                              

Микроскопическая техника: Руководство /Под ред. Д.С. Саркизова, Ю.П. Перова. М., 1996.

Buckau  G.,  Hooker  P.,  Moulin  V. Versatile components of plants, soils and water. In: Humic substances /E.A. Ghabbour, G. Davies (eds.). RSC, Cambridge, 2000.

Article in the collection:

Новиков  Б.В., Спицин  В.В.,  Демина  Т.С. Первый опыт разведения росомахи в России. В сб.: Состояние среды обитания и фауна охотничьих животных России. М., 2008: 166-179.

Lin S.L., Chang S.E., Ying S.Y. Transgene-like animal models using intronic microRNAs In: MicroRNA protocols. Methods in molecular biology. V. 1733.S.Y. Ying (ed.). Humana Press, NY, 2018: 239-254 (doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7601-0_20).


Курбанова П.М. Генетическое разнообразие яровой мягкой пшеницы по эффективной возрастной устойчивости к листовой ржавчине. Автореф. канд. дис. СПб, 2011.


Моисеенко Л.М. Изучение генофонда гречихи и создание высокопродуктивного  селекционного материала в условиях Дальнего Востока. Докт. дис. Пос. Тимирязевский, 2002.

Conference materials:

Киль В.И. Молекулярно-генетический анализ популяций яблонной плодожорки Cydia pomonella по микросателлитным локусам. Мат. Межд. науч.-практ. конф. «Биологическая защита растений — основа стабилизации агроэкосистем». Краснодар, 2010, вып. 6: 281-284.

Borisov  A.Y.,  Danilova  T.N.,  Shtark  O.Y. Tripartite symbiotic system of pea (Pisum sativum L.): applications in sustainable agriculture. Proc. 15th Int. Congr. on nitrogen fixation & 12th Int. Conf. of the African Association for biological nitrogen fixation «Biological nitrogen fixation: towards poverty alleviation through sustainable agriculture» /F.D. Dakora, B.M. Chimphango, A.J. Valentine e.a. (eds.). Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008: 15-17.


Понякина И.Д., Лебедев К.А., Васенович М.И. и др. Способ определения иммунологического состояния организма. А.с. 1090409 (РФ) МКИ3 А 61 К 39/00. Моск. науч.-иссл. ин-т уха, горла и носа (РФ). № 3429.198/28-13. Заявл. 23.04.82. Опубл. 07.05.84. Бюл. № 17.

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